Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Major American Writers Essays - Robert Frost, Frost,

Major American Writers The honored title of "Major American Writer" tends to be ambiguous and ill defined in part because each individual reader holds preconceived notions about what characteristics a writer should possess to be classified as a major author. Every work an author creates combines with the others to form a body of material on which the writer is judged. This class on Major American Writers studied five authors with completely different genres, writing styles, and general appeal. The choice for these particular authors was based on criteria unique to the instructor. Since every reader requires different characteristics, this paper will outline my specific criteria for a Major American Writer and apply those to Robert Frost and Henry James. Frost is a perfect example as defined by my characteristics of a major writer. His work embodies all the features necessary to categorize him as such. While James's work is well critiqued and studied, he does not meet my criteria for a major writer. His work falls short in some of the fundamental requirements. There are four specific criteria by which I define a Major American Writer. The most important for the significance of an author is the relevance of the writings to human nature. Timeless works of literature or poetry connect with the audiences' innermost emotions. The nature of the world is constant change and if the work of an author is not able to transcend the change it will be forgotten or obsolete. One thing constant enough to be the focus of the work is the human condition. Another criterion for a Major American Writer is that the substance of the work must also engage the reader. Writing cannot be effective without an audience. If the author has no impact on people the material written accomplished nothing. Engagement may come about through the entertainment value or intellectual interest, neither being of greater importance. Style as well as substance is necessary when discussing criteria for an author to be a Major American Writer. The technical aspects of a work, such as narrator and form, are important in a work because they are ways to distinguish a superb writer from a mediocre writer. The last criterion for a Major American Writer is the overall impact on literature. Major authors should have the ability to reshape or redefine literature or public thought in some manner. Considerations of the author's contributions to the genre as well as the world of literature are consequential when deciding to include the writer in the category of a major writer. Not every author who is considered as a major writer needs to totally fulfill all the criteria set forth. There are many other considerations that could qualify an author for this honor. These four conditions are simply a starting point for qualification. The first writer I chose to examine is Robert Frost. He expressly fulfills all four criteria for qualification as a "Major American Writer". Many of his poems deal with the innermost workings of the human experience. He beautifully illustrates difficult to explain emotions with prose and poetry. His poem "The Road Not Taken" reveals the conflict between choices made and choices passed. This is not something easily expressed in words, but Frost eloquently makes his point. The second criterion Frost meets is the engagement of the reader. The excellence in his work lies in the fact that anyone can read and enjoy his writings. There are levels of meaning that can be read in a very basic, literal manner or studied for complexity of meaning so as to engage lay readers or scholars. "After Apple-Picking" is as much about picking apples as it is about life and death. Frost's writing style also helps his writing to be accessible and to engage the reader. This writing form fulfills the third criterion for a "Major American Writer." His style of blank verse and unrhymed lines give the poetry a tone of normal conversation. The technique is followed almost continually throughout his poetry revealing his dedication to the technical aspect of writing as well as the artistic. Metaphors are present in his work but not dominating to the point of convolution. They relate to the actual events in the poem and attribute the work a deeper meaning. A lyrical poet with a passive style, Frost allows the audience to decide the meaning of the poem. He attempts not to show too much personal influence on the reader's understanding. Frost's work left a legacy on the world that will not soon be forgotten. A modernist poet, he combined

Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Complete a Personal Narrative Essay

How to Complete a Personal Narrative Essay How to Complete a Personal Narrative Essay In most of the cases, an assignment to write a personal narrative essay is quite challenging and students don’t know where to start. It is quite complicated, because you not only need to reveal your inner self but also remain honest and possess good writing skills. Remember that your narrative essay should always be written in a first person, using the past tense. Make yourself comfortable and continue reading to learn everything about a narrative essay! Choosing a topic When writing a narrative essay, you will need to describe and analyze a certain story from your personal experience. That is why it won’t be possible to use outside information or a research to decide which topic is the most suitable. Your story should be creative, interesting, simple and stirring up various emotions. That is why the best topic for a narrative essay is the one, which has dynamics, emotions and personal approach. Just take some time and think of the things you want to share with the world. You will definitely have an outstanding experience to share! Remain simple Many students are tempted to use complicated words and a huge vocabulary, not knowing that readers easily loose interest to such an essay. That is why it is better to use simple ideas, like starting with a quote or limiting the size of your sentences. Your vocabulary should be understandable and your language – readable. Don’t neglect the structure of your essay and it will definitely pay you back with great reviews and interest of the audience! Your story should match the task When you need to write a narrative essay, you start remembering tens of situations and stories you want to share with the world. However, it is important to choose a story, which will correspond with your assignment. Listen carefully to your tutor’s recommendations and select a topic, which gives answers to certain questions. For example: Â  How the situation helped you to change? Â  How did you overcome such a situation? Â  What did you learn from your mistakes? Every story provides a lesson and you are always welcome to share this lesson with the audience! Pay attention to details It is not enough to choose a story you want to share, as you also need to pay enough attention to its plot and structure. If you want to make your story smooth and interesting, try to answer following questions: Â  Where did your story start and where did it end? Â  What are the most important elements or characters of your story? Â  Who or what had an impact on the story? Â  What details you want to include to your text? We have also created a list of useful tips you may need, when completing a narrative essay: Â  Always stick to the point and never forget about the main aim of your story; Â  Follow a proper structure: your essay should have a beginning, a climax and conclusions; Â  Add emotions and colors to your text to engage the reader; Â  Make conclusions and mark the lessons you have learned; Â  Try to make your story short, not missing important details; Â  Your story shouldn’t be too formal if else is not indicated by your tutor; Â  It is useful to have both a protagonist and an antagonist in your text. Always revise your texts Many students neglect this important step, thinking that mistakes, both grammar and lexical ones, are not important and tutors will only evaluate the plot itself. However, such mistakes can greatly lower your grades, so you need to revise your text multiple times before the delivery. Make sure you have stated your story loud and clear, and provided every paragraph in an understandable manner. Every section should be readable and smooth, using academic language. In addition, you should also check your punctuation to make sure your sentences are understandable. Following all these tips will guarantee a great result and you will be able to provide an outstanding narrative essay for a minimum time!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Issues in Management Accounting - AC313 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Issues in Management Accounting - AC313 - Essay Example There was enormous resistance to change and tighten the cost control from the engineering side in all meetings as they feared that the cost control was merely to strengthen the accounting regime in the company. In 1980, Volvo representatives visited Renault plant to see their practices as their practices were taken as industry’s benchmarks. Volvo was facing very high costs in the initial stages of product development. Renault had competence in cost control and thus was taken as benchmark for the cost control drive by Volvo. There was a rapid change in the business environment that required Volvo’s management to implement cost management and control system. The business environment forced Volvo to be pro-active in their costing and to make their systems online to as to increase their efficiency in the intra-departmental and cross-functional accounting and costing. For cost effectiveness in the future, Volvo realized that they needed their cost control activities to be redirected to product development rather than manufacturing and production. This would reduce their costs in the initial stages of product development. The company used to be cost and budget driven whereas the need of the hour was to be customer oriented and delivering value to customers at minimum cost. Modular design and common parts were few major changes that Volvo introduced in their products. Process orientation was another major change that was being implemented in the industry. Instead of being function-oriented, organizations were moving towards process orientation. Redundant activities needed to be identified so that the processes could be streamlined and made more effective and cost efficient. Cost targets had become more critical and important. Timely formulation of realistic cost targets saved them huge investments which were not feasible and/or not affordable for their business. Calculations needed to be done in

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Sam 445 assign 4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sam 445 assign 4 - Assignment Example Since a minor league baseball team does not incur in revenues from advertising or ticket sales like a Major League Baseball team does, its survival is financially dependent on community and business donations, team fundraisers, and sales from the food concession stand in order to cover all the budgeted expenses for the year. The sales of the food concession stand also help supplement and maintain a general expense fund to cover travel expenses and any unexpected team or organizational financial contingencies and expenses. As the concessions manager it is his responsibility to maintain detailed financial receipts and organizational records in order to be able to calculate overall fixed costs and unit costs. Additionally in order for management to estimate the yearly total expenses the concessions manager provides the team general manager with estimated yearly concession food stand budgets and food costs budget in order to complete the yearly team budget. For this year the minor baseball league schedule calls for a 70 game season, plus training and team practice sessions. Cost-Volume Profit (CVP) analysis is one of the most powerful tools available to managers of all organizations big or small. The CVP process helps managers and internal stakeholders to understand how overall volume, costs and profits are all interrelated and analyzes the behavior of the following five elements (Garrison & Noreen, 2003): There are certain steps the concessions manager together with other managing team members must perform in order to utilize CVP effectively and be able to estimate total revenues and total surplus profits. The first step is to estimate the average number of individuals that will attend the team regular season games, practice sessions as well as estimating how attendance will increase if the team qualifies for the playoffs. The second step is to estimate based on

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Nutrition - Ask and Answer - Characteristics of Life Essay

Nutrition - Ask and Answer - Characteristics of Life - Essay Example The following hypotheses were formulated: First, simple obesity among children is affected by the following environmental factors: educational levels of parents, familial inclination to obesity, and other health patterns. Secondly, a diet with low energy component and low glycemic index results into body mass loss. Thirdly, dietary treatment will involve change in the body mass, reduction in skin thickness and adipose folds, scapula, BMI, body fat content and waist hip ratio. Lastly, administration of dietary treatment will affect biochemical indicators like lipid profiles (Rozwoj, 2006). A sample size of 236 children with known simple obesity from Mazowsze region was used. The research was carried out by Gastroentorogical and Endocrinological Unit of the Institute of Mother and Child for10 weeks. Nutritional state was analyzed on the principle of investigating. Eight essential features and five anthropometric parameters were used besides common biochemical indicators for carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Evaluation was done prior to and after the commencement of the study. Studies were carried out on nutrition that comprised eating habits, composition of food, and the constituent nutritional content of food given daily covering a period of 10-14 for every child prior to the dietary treatment and 3 random days after. Collection of data on environmental factors was administered by a questionnaire (Rozwoj, 2006). It was found that environmental factors constituted major risk to obesity. A relationship was established between a normalized BMI z-score with respect to environmental factors which included paternal obesity (Chi (2) test with p-value less than 0.05). Also a positive correlation was found between relative BMI z-score and the anthropometrical factors. No distortions in carbohydrate metabolism were established except for fats (Rozwoj, 2006). The dietary treatment contained

Friday, November 15, 2019

Cesare Lombrosos Theory of Criminal Traits

Cesare Lombrosos Theory of Criminal Traits Abstract Cesare Lombroso’s (1960) Criminal Man led to a new discipline in criminology, placing a link between physical anomalies and crime. Certain attributes were said to be the result of a biologically inferior presence which led to a life of crime (Ellwood, 1912). An observational study interpreted a number of ‘mugshots’ made up of criminals and Psychology staff from Canterbury Christ Church University. Independent t-tests revealed that there was no difference between the two groups in terms of physical characteristics and ‘criminal’ rating. These findings tie in with previous research in the field (Goring, 1972; Saladin, Zalman Breen 1988). COMPARING THE PREVALENCE OF ‘CRIMINAL TRAITS’ BETWEEN CONVICTED CRIMINALS AND PSYCHOLOGY STAFF Cesare Lombroso (2006) is best known as the founder of the discipline criminal anthropology; the study of mental and physical traits associated with the ‘born criminal’. Lombroso published Criminal Man (2006), a famous study in which he attributed criminal behaviour to ‘Atavism’, an inherited condition in which offender’s demonstrated evolutionary throwbacks to more primitive humans. According to Lombroso (2006) the criminal was fundamentally a living anomaly concerned with pathological and atavistic characteristics (Ellwood, 1912). After studying 66 deceased criminals, Lombroso (2006) compiled a list of physical features assumed to be associated with criminal behaviour. Traits included asymmetrical faces and excessive body hair. A person was thought to be a criminal if they processed 4 or more traits. Charles B. Goring (1972) subjected 37 of Lombroso’s (2006) characteristics to empirical testing and compared 2,348 London convicts with a control group of young Englishmen. Goring (1972) found little support for Lombroso’s work, instead suggesting criminal behaviour is simply an inherited lack of common sense. Support for Lombroso comes from a study by Hooton (1939), in which 13,873 male prisoners were compared with 3,023 males from a general sample. Hooton attributed criminal behaviour to biological inferiority, assigning a number of features such as sloping foreheads to criminals. Hooton was, however, criticised for his circular reasoning. Criminals were assumed to be physically mediocre and those features which distinguished criminals from others could be classified as precursors of biological inferiority. Only a small number of modern studies have tested the relationship among attractiveness and criminal behaviour. Saladin, Zalman and Breen (1988) invited students to judge the physical attractiveness of a selection of male photos. Other students assessed the same photos and judged the likelihood that those pictured would commit a crime. Those rated as less attractive were more likely to commit crime. Similar results were also found in other related studies (Cavior Howard, 1973; Kurtzberg, 1978). The current study is building upon the previous contradictory evidence, and much like Goring (1913), the study will focus upon comparing Lombroso’s (2006) original anomalies within the criminal and general population. As a result of previous evidence my hypothesis states that there will be no difference between Lombroso’s (2006) ‘criminal traits’ amongst convicted criminals and the general population. Method Design The design of the experiment consisted of independent measures as both groups were separate from each other. Participants There were 30 participants in total, 15 were Psychology staff members from Canterbury Christ Church University and the other 15 were convicted criminals. Materials and Apparatus Materials required for the experiment included the 15 criminal mugshots, 15 staff mugshots and finally a criminal characteristics coding sheet. Procedure The procedure involved going through each photo and deciding whether each person had Lombroso’s (2006) original ‘criminal characteristics’. These characteristics consisted of: asymmetric head, flattened/twisted nose, large ears, fat lips, enormous jaw, high cheekbones, narrow eyes and excessive skin wrinkles. Each photo was judged upon these criteria and whether they were present or not. The final part involved deciding whether each person was a criminal or not which was based on Lombroso’s (2006) ideas that if you perceived more than four characteristics then you were a criminal. In terms of ethical considerations the use of photos from the staff members would have required consent as well as the right to withdraw from the study at any point. Results Overall frequencies for the ‘criminal characteristics’ identified in both sets of photos are given in Table 1. This data reveals that in terms of the ‘non- symmetrical face’ and ‘twisted nose’ characteristics these were marked as being present in the staff photos (4 and 8 time respectively) more so than for the criminal photos in which they were reported 2 and 6 times. All the other traits were identified more on the criminal photos however ‘enormous jaw’ and ‘high cheekbones’ were equally coded for at 7 and 9 times. Table 2 provides data showing the frequencies of the total numbers of ‘criminal characteristics coded for in each group of photos. Both groups receive more total ratings in the middle of the scale, with the majority coded for 2 or 3 criminal traits. An independent t test yielded t(28) = .756, p > .05. The hypothesis was accepted: there was no difference between the criminal classification of ‘st aff mug shots’ and ‘criminal mug shots’. Discussion Overall there was no difference between the criminal classification of the ‘staff mugshots’ and the ‘criminal mugshots’ which replicates similar findings obtained in studies by Goring (1972) and Kurtzberg et al, (1978). This implies that Lombroso’s original ideas and theories about certain characteristics leading to criminality have been undermined by this study. The data presented in table 2 can be described as normally distributed as the ends of the scale are sparsely occupied; however the majority of participants from both groups were coded as having between 2-5 criminal traits. According to Lombrosso a criminal was said to have four or more traits, therefore based on results obtained it can be said that the distribution of seemingly ‘criminal’ characteristics is actually very normal. One limitation to this study is that it is entirely subjective as one person is judging the photos on whether they are ‘criminal’ or not bas ed on a set of perceived traits. This may lead to a lack of reliability as the same result cannot be guaranteed if the study is repeated. A further limitation concerning subjectivity is the classification of the criminal traits, for instance what constitutes as ‘enormous’ when describing the jaw or ‘excessive’ when labelling skin wrinkles. Further in depth classification is required to establish whether a particular trait is present. Although the results from this study and others suggest that Lombroso’s (2006) method of criminal profiling is out of date, it has led to the use of similar methods using information such as upbringing or substance use to establish whether a person is likely to commit a crime. References Cavior, N., Howard, L. (1973). Facial attractiveness and juvenile delinquency among black and white offenders. Journal Of Abnormal Child Psychology, 1(2), 202-213. doi:10.1007/bf00916114. Ellwood, C. (1912). Lombrosos Theory of Crime. Journal Of The American Institute Of Criminal Law And Criminology, 2(5), 716. doi:10.2307/1132830. Goring, C. (1972). The English convict. Montclair, N.J.: Patterson Smith. Hooton, E. A., (1939).Crime and the Man, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Kurtzberg, R. L. (1978). Plastic Surgery on Offenders. In N. Johnston L. Savitz (Eds.), Justice and Corrections, New York: Wiley. Lombroso, C., Gibson, M., Rafter, N. (2006). Criminal man. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Saladin, M., Zalman S., Breen, L. (1988). Perceived Attractiveness and Attributions of Criminality: What Is Beautiful Is Not Criminal,Canadian Journal of Criminology30(3), 205-215. Table 1 This table illustrates the present frequencies of each criminal characteristic as well as the total number of those classified as criminals in the ‘staff’ and ‘criminal’ mugshot categories. Face Nose Ears Lips Jaw Cheekbones Eyes Wrinkles Criminal Criminal 2 6 9 7 7 9 8 3 6 Staff 4 8 6 2 7 9 3 4 4 Table 2 Listed in this table are the total numbers of criminal traits identified for each type of mugshot, ranging between 1-6 characteristics. Number of ‘characteristics’ present after coding 123456 Criminal 045321 Staff 164220

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Evil of Colonialism and Imperialism in Heart of Darkness by Joseph

Exploring the Evil of Colonialism in Heart of Darkness   Ã‚  Ã‚   A masterpiece of twentieth-century writing, Heart of Darkness exposes the tenuous fabric that holds "civilization" together and the brutal horror at the center of European colonialism. Joseph Conrad's novella, Heart of Darkness, describes a life-altering journey that the protagonist, Marlow, experiences in the African Congo.   The story explores the historical period of colonialism in Africa to exemplify Marlow's struggles. Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness is most often read as an attack upon colonialism.   Marlow, like other Europeans of his time, is brought up to believe certain things about colonialism, but his views change as he experiences the effects of colonialism first hand. This essay will look at Marlow's negative view of colonialism, which is shaped through his experiences and from his relation to Kurtz.   Marlow's understanding of Kurtz's experiences show him the effects colonialism can have on a man's soul.  Ã‚   Most of Marlow's comments about colonization in general seem to defend or even praise the idea. He says "the conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than us is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much," but he says that such action is redeemed by the idea behind it. "Not a sentimental pretence but an idea, and an unselfish belief in the idea- something you can set up and bow down before, and offer a sacrifice to" justifies colonization. The idea is civilization, and Marlow's speech indicates that civilizing the rest of the world is worth the sacrifice of the freedom of the uncivilized peoples of the earth. Marlow further describes colonization in gl... ... to a man's soul.   Marlow's journey was not only into the heart of Africa, but also into the heart of Kurtz where he realizes the truth of colonialism and the potential evil it entails.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Cited and Consulted: Conrad, Joseph.   Heart of Darkness 3rd Ed.   Ed. Robert Kimbrough. New York:   Norton Critical, 1988. Edward W. Said, The World, the Text, and the Critic. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1983) 13.   Hillman, James. "Notes on White Supremacy: Essaying an Archetypal Account of Historical Events," Spring (1986): 29-57. McLynn, Frank. Hearts of Darkness: The European Exploration of Africa. New York: Carol & Gey, 1992. Meyers, Jeffrey.   Joseph Conrad.   New York:   Charles Scribner's Sons, 1991. Patrick Brantlinger, "Heart of Darkness: Anti-Imperialism, Racism, or Impressionism?" Criticism (Fall, 1985) 364.     

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Hamlet’s Oedipal Complex

Hamlet's Oedipal Complex In William Shakespeare's, Hamlet, the Oedipus complex plays a critical role in the affairs of the young prince. Sigmund Freud's theory states that it is normal for children to have sexual desires for their parent of the opposite sex. He says that it is also normal to have feelings of hatred for the other parent that is of the same sex as the child. Most children experience these feelings at a very young age, after which the feelings  are overcome or in some individuals become deeply suppressed. Those that carry on these feelings into adulthood are considered to have an Oedipus complex.These feelings, in some cases, are linked to a physical separation between father and son. This leads the child into a paradoxical state of masculinity, wherein the child spends much of his time solely with the mother, and yet a sense of guilt or femininity, because the mother is significantly older. This sense of guilt and femininity also prevents Hamlet from identifying with women their own age, a societal norm. Furthermore, Hamlet's Oedipal feelings have been buried within him since his childhood. These feelings were hidden during the life of Hamlet, Sr. because the two had a strong connection.However, the death of King Hamlet and hasty marriage to Gertrude by Claudius sparked jealousy within Hamlet. He felt no connection to Claudius, nor felt guilty by having feelings for his mother. It was due to this event that Hamlet's latent Oedipal Complex took over. Although Freud outlined this complex almost 300 years after the publication of Hamlet, Shakespeare's characterizations in regards to the Oedipus complex cannot be refuted. The three main aspects including hatred of the father, intimate desires of the mother, and disconnection from the loving Ophelia show Hamlet's embodiment of the Oedipus complex.Hamlet's actions and mental health are affected by the presence of these Oedipal qualities. Freud had said that the son takes the mother as the object of h is desires. Because of this desire to be with Gertrude, a rivalry forms between Hamlet and Claudius. In the play, Hamlet shows great hostility towards Claudius because of his mother's hasty remarriage. This infuriates Hamlet as he begins to see murdering Claudius as a way of asserting masculine dominance and avenging his father. Once King Hamlet's ghost  tells Hamlet  that it wasClaudius who murdered him, Hamlet feels conflicted. Throughout the play, Hamlet struggles  internally over killing Claudius. It is something he wants to do, but is unable to carry out the task. Because of his Oedipus complex, Hamlet has wanted to kill his own father for at least 20 years, as outlined by Freud. Hamlet desperately wants to desperately forget the presence of his father and mother together, as illustrated in this excerpt in Act 1, Scene 2 from Hamlet. â€Å"Must I remember? Why she would hang on him, as if increase of appetite had grown† (William Shakespeare, 29).In using the word à ¢â‚¬Å"would† to show the past tense, Hamlet is referring the dependency of Gertrude upon King Hamlet, rather than Claudius. Shakespeare also is redundant with the phrase â€Å"increase of appetite had grown†. But Shakespeare is emphasizing the fact that Gertrude became increasingly voracious for King Hamlet's love, which further disturbed Hamlet. In essence, Hamlet feels weak because Claudius did what Hamlet could not. These feelings of inferiority, along with the Oedipus qualities, create feelings of guilt and repulsion towards Claudius. Hamlet becomes aware that he is no better than Claudius is.In murdering Claudius, Hamlet kills himself as well. Claudius has achieved Hamlet's Freudian ideal, killed his father, taken his place, and fulfilled his incestuous desire in winning over Gertrude. Hamlet is able to identify, and even sympathize with Claudius for having done what Hamlet only wished he could do. Hamlet and his mother's relationship is also shown as more intimate than the traditional mother-son relationship due to Hamlet's language regarding his mother his mother, as well as the rivalry toward Claudius for his Gertrude's attention.This suggests that Shakespeare also saw the behavioral characteristics of the oedipal complex in humanity that Freud did, explaining them through the relationship between Hamlet and Gertrude. In the word choice Hamlet uses when addressing Gertrude, he shows a discreet desire for his mother bordering on the sexual. In Gertrude's bedroom in Act 3, Scene 4, he addresses her with the following: â€Å"Nay, but to live in the rank sweat of an enseamed bed, stewed in corruption, honeying, and making love over the nasty sty! † (William Shakespeare, 175).The privacy and intimacy of the bedroom add a new dimension when the relationship between Hamlet and Gertrude is examined. Bedrooms are private, usually the setting for sexual activity. Shakespeare placed Hamlet and Gertrude in these quarters to suggest the aspects of Hamlet's sexual desires for his mother and allow Hamlet to express himself wholeheartedly to his mother. This obsession shows that Hamlet is suffering from an  Oedipus complex. The idea of Claudius engaging intimately with his mother brings out the incestuous feelings stirring within Hamlet.But Hamlet is also confused that, at Gertrude's age, she can't control her sexual desires. Hamlet worships Gertrude, he has high expectations of her, treats her as if she were a goddess. But yet, the fact that she cannot control her sexual desires makes Hamlet all the more intrigued. However, Hamlet is also ridden with jealousy in regards to her sexual activities with Claudius. Hamlet confronts Gertrude, accusing her of spending too much time â€Å"in the rank sweat of an enseamed bed†. The phrase â€Å"rank sweat† means thick or heavy sweat.Hamlet, by saying Gertrude lives in Claudius' bed, is jealous of their constant lovemaking, driving Hamlet to act rashly in killing Poloni us. In the Scene, Hamlet wished the person behind the curtain had been Claudius. He would have won over his mother and avenged the death of his father. Because of his feeling of inferiority, Hamlet feels he needs to establish himself as the powerful masculine figure by killing Claudius and becoming king of Denmark. However, his rash behavior and lashing out largely affects his mental state as well.Ophelia is the character most affected by Hamlet's Oedipal desires for Gertrude. Hamlet disgraces Ophelia, using her simply for sex and pleasure. She means very little to him as a human being. In Act 3, Scene 1 Hamlet orders her to â€Å"Get thee to a nunnery† (William Shakespeare, 131). Completely focused on his desires for Gertrude and murder of Claudius, Hamlet has no need for distractions such as Ophelia. Hamlet's relationship with Ophelia is completely abnormal. He solely uses Ophelia as a substitute for Gertrude.Ophelia's femininity draws Hamlet in, satisfying his lust for his mother and insecurities surrounding Claudius. He toys with Ophelia's affections, just as Gertrude toys with his. He uses Ophelia for pleasure to an extent, but rather uses her to challenge Gertrude. He wants Gertrude to feel threatened, jealous, or angry with Ophelia. Hamlet feels the need to torture Gertrude because he has been so tormented by her himself. Hamlet goes as far as to attempt to spark jealousy within Gertrude by sitting at Ophelia's feet rather than Gertrude's when she asks.Gertrude, in turn, expresses jealousy of Ophelia by refusing to speak to her following the incident. Alas, Hamlet's desires are never to be. When Gertrude dies, it frees Hamlet of his Oedipus complex. After her death, Hamlet had the strength, mentally, to carry out the wishes of King Hamlet's Ghost and kill Claudius, but without the prize he desired. Freud's Oedipus complex effectively explains Hamlet's melancholic state of pensiveness and inaction in killing Claudius. Hamlet was focused on the end result, realizing his desire for Gertrude. It was only after her death that he was free from himself.Hamlet killed Claudius quickly after Gertrude's death as an act of revenge. His Oedipal love for his mother pushed him to near insanity before her death. Hamlet's paradoxical relationship to Claudius is one of the Oedipal aspects that plays into the character of Hamlet. Although Claudius denies him of Gertrude, Hamlet cannot help but stand in awe of the fact that Claudius murdered King Hamlet, something Hamlet could never quite bring himself to do. Secondly, his use of language suggested an intimate relationship between Gertrude and Hamlet.And finally, the abuse of Ophelia gives an example of how the Oedipus complex affected Hamlet's mentality. He became abusive, confrontational, and obsessed with Gertrude, the woman he could not have. Hamlet was deeply altered by the presence of his Oedipal feelings toward his mother, which transformed changed him from a dedicated scholar to an obs essed lover. These three main aspects including hatred of the father, intimate desires of the mother, and disconnection from the loving Ophelia showed Hamlet's embodiment of the Oedipus complex.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Quotes About the Joys of Winter

Quotes About the Joys of Winter Come winter and the world is covered with a white sheet of snow. Kids welcome winter by catching the first few snowflakes in their mouth. For adults, winter brings a slew of festivities like skiing, snowboarding, sled dog racing, and many others. And then there is Christmas. Christmas on a wintry December night brings families closer as they cozy up around a warm hearth. Revel in the joys of winter while you sip your ale and read these winter quotes. Pietro AretinoLet us love winter, for it is the spring of genius. George HerbertEvery mile is two in winter. Mignon McLaughlinSpring, summer, and fall fill us with hope; winter alone reminds us of the human condition. William BlakeIn seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy. Edith SitwellWinter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home. Victor HugoWinter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart. William BradfordAnd for the season it was winter, and they that know the winters of that country know them to be sharp and violent, and subject to cruel and fierce storms. Boris PasternakIt snowed and snowed, the whole world over, Snow swept the world from end to end. A candle burned on the table; A candle burned. Virginia WoolfNever are voices so beautiful as on a winters evening, when dusk almost hides the body, and they seem to issue from nothingness with a note of intimacy seldom heard by day. Charles DickensLooking up, she showed him quite a young face, but one whose bloom and promise were all swept away as if the haggard winter should unnaturally kill the spring. Elizabeth BowenAutumn arrives in early morning, but spring at the close of a winter day. HeraclitusGod is day and night, winter and summer, war and peace, surfeit and hunger. Albert CamusIn the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer. Robert FrostYou cant get too much winter in the winter. Sinclair LewisWinter is not a season, it’s an occupation.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Discipline Plan

When I attended Mr. Hutton’s computer class it was very colorful and organized. He told me that at the beginning of the school year he had the students line up and them assigned them computers by numbers. He each computer had a number, then each student was given a number. His rules were posted on the closest door on a bright colorful poster. They were to the point and not drawn out. I think that they applied to all grades and at all times. Students were not allowed to call out in class; they had to stay in their seats unless they asked first. And they were not allowed to touch anyone else’s computer. They had to follow Mr. Hutton’s directions and raise their hands when they had a question. I thought that all of his rules made sense and wouldn’t confuse the children. I used his chart for the bases of my discipline plan. By reading Cantar’s Book of Discipline I have also learned that the â€Å"Rules of the Classroom† should be direct and to the point. You should not mix academic rules with behavioral rules; this would confuse the children on their conditions. Sometimes academic problems are out of their hands. On the first day of class I would ask the children what kind of rules they think would help them learn, hopefully by having them participate in making this list they would understand them better. Young children often need inicative in order to follow rules or to do a task. That is why a rewards system is so important. It gives them a reason to behave and follow directions. I think that I would have a chart with all of the student’s names on it in different colors. I would make it a bright and pretty poster and hang it on the wall so they could always see it. Then each day I would give out checks ( ) to individual students, if the student got five checks ( ) a day then they would get a star on the Rewards Chart. After getting ten stars they would be excused from doing their homework for that night... Free Essays on Discipline Plan Free Essays on Discipline Plan When I attended Mr. Hutton’s computer class it was very colorful and organized. He told me that at the beginning of the school year he had the students line up and them assigned them computers by numbers. He each computer had a number, then each student was given a number. His rules were posted on the closest door on a bright colorful poster. They were to the point and not drawn out. I think that they applied to all grades and at all times. Students were not allowed to call out in class; they had to stay in their seats unless they asked first. And they were not allowed to touch anyone else’s computer. They had to follow Mr. Hutton’s directions and raise their hands when they had a question. I thought that all of his rules made sense and wouldn’t confuse the children. I used his chart for the bases of my discipline plan. By reading Cantar’s Book of Discipline I have also learned that the â€Å"Rules of the Classroom† should be direct and to the point. You should not mix academic rules with behavioral rules; this would confuse the children on their conditions. Sometimes academic problems are out of their hands. On the first day of class I would ask the children what kind of rules they think would help them learn, hopefully by having them participate in making this list they would understand them better. Young children often need inicative in order to follow rules or to do a task. That is why a rewards system is so important. It gives them a reason to behave and follow directions. I think that I would have a chart with all of the student’s names on it in different colors. I would make it a bright and pretty poster and hang it on the wall so they could always see it. Then each day I would give out checks ( ) to individual students, if the student got five checks ( ) a day then they would get a star on the Rewards Chart. After getting ten stars they would be excused from doing their homework for that night...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Management and Organisation individual report Essay - 1

Management and Organisation individual report - Essay Example An institution at its base brings with the standards and behavior of its founders and these become the institution’s cultural features. As the organization grows through time these effects become entrenched into the organization’s property, framing central standards, defining assets needed and the organization’s characteristic persona that describes its intentions, priorities, and routines (Buchanan & Huczynski, 2009). Introduction The culture of an institution has its own inimitable organization culture. Frequently this culture has been advanced by the institution’s founder management. Thus, it may be transformed and affected by the behavior of groups and persons, in addition to external factors. Institutional culture is viewed by academics and practitioners in a similar way as being essential in how the institution achieves its goals and its productive business. Organizational productivity Mullins (1) implies is described in terms of institution’s capability to make sure goal achievement, fulfillments, resource acquisition, identity and devotion of its members, imitations to transformations and fulfillments of external shareholders. Organizations with purposeful interpersonal communication may accomplish a better share definition of the institution and therefore a better communication atmosphere (Dick & Ellis, 2005). 1.0. Organizational Culture Organizational culture is normally the best means to manage as a way of accomplishing success. It is also a significant element of productive organization creation and performance. This view of the significance of organizational culture seems to draw on institutional hypothesis and behavior from a spectrum of sciences including, psychology, sociology and anthropology. An organizational culture encompasses the atmosphere adjoining the institution, prevailing attitudes inside it, motivation, strength of feeling toward it and collective levels of goodwill. Thus, organizational culture an d organizational transformations are frequently entwined with one another. Further organizational culture grows continuously as institutional transformation take place along an intermediary curve. Transformation is normally being implicated specifically by the organization’s leaders to suit their own choices or transforming market processes and in doing so implicates the decisions making process. Culture in flexible and dynamic and can be affected by internal and external challenges including dysfunctional managerial behavior that will impact on the workers in fields such as poor job performance, job dissatisfaction, turnover and burnout (Handy 1993). An institutional behavior that can be identified in institutions, specifically those experiencing transformation is opposition by workers to transformations in the work atmosphere. Whether the institution is experiencing primary reconfiguration or is the process of transformation due to invariable inventiveness and development, workers may pull back and resist transformations, specifically if they do not comprehend the transformations. However the requirement for successful transformation including transformations to mission, vision, culture, communication and leadership all require be achieved, and failure to be accomplished in them all will amount to the entire transformation failing (Mullins, 2011). 1.1. Groups and their

Friday, November 1, 2019

Chain mgmt Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Chain mgmt - Assignment Example Current research concentrates on the implementation and development of performance measurement systems in supply chains. Chan, (2008) asserts that maintenance of performance management systems in supply chains need to be organized, efficient and methodical in â€Å"monitoring supply chain performance† (p.539). The main components of supply chains revolve around â€Å"six core processes (supplier, inbound logistics, manufacturing, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, end customers) and present input, output and composite measures for each†(Fynes, de Burca & Voss, 2005,p.3306). Performance measurement systems in supply chains has been proven to be effective in catering the needs of the customer and for this purpose, methods of performance measurement systems such as balance scorecard, performance questionnaires, performance matrix, are being used. Tenet Healthcare cooperation can adopt performance measurement systems in their supply chains and focusing on meeting the needs and requirements of the clients. This would assist the company to maintain the â€Å"competitive edge in order to enhance all activities associated with the flow and transformation of goods from the raw material stage through to the end user† (Chan, 2008, p.540).